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South Orange Avenue, an Indian trail, served as the main thoroughfare.But in 1705, road statutes required landowners to maintain the first primitivehighways. These included Main Street and Valley and Ridgewood roads. Washingtonand his troops often traversed the latter during the American Revolution.
- New Jersey reported the first Coronavirus related death today. The governor said the victim was a man in his 60s from Bergen County who had a history of traveling between New Jersey and New York, and was admitted to Hackensack University Medical Center on March 6; Governor Phil Murphy declared a State of Emergency and Public Health Emergency.
- World's best 100% FREE mature dating site in New Jersey. Join Mingle2's fun New Jersey community of mature singles! Browse thousands of mature personal ads completely for free. Find love again, meet new friends, and add some excitement to your life as a mature single in New Jersey.
The mode of transportation graduated from horseback, to ox-cart, to stagecoach. Then in 1836, the Morris and Essex Railroad developed a singletrack between the Village and Orange and operated a horse-drawn cart.A year later the line was extended and two cars were pulled by a wood-burningsteam locomotive. The advent of the railroad established South Orangeas a suburb of Newark and a summer resort. Just after the railroad wascontinued through to Hoboken in 1868, the Village began its rapid transformationfrom a rude settlement of farms and mills to a polished residential railroadsuburb of New York and Newark.
Swamps were drained, roads were constructed and gas lines were laid inthe 1890s. Sewers and running water were later added. Street lamps inthe town's center burned sperm oil until 1860 when gas service becameavailable. Electric power was brought into the Village about 1888, althoughmost of the streets are still lit by gas lamps. The first telephone exchangewas opened in Orange on December 6, 1879. In 1899, a Village central officewas established.
Dating Websites Man South Orange New Jersey Nj
The transition of South Orange from vast farm lands to a prestigiousresidential community is due in large part to the vision of one man, NewYork attorney John Gorham Vose. Taken with the rich mountain scenery,he purchased a home on Scotland Road in 1858. In 1862, he began to buylarge plots of land to begin his conversion. As building got underway,Villagers took great interest in the development of each magnificent home.In just a few years, 175 acres between Scotland Road and Center Streetwere complete. Vose christened the area Montrose. Other successful businessmen,Turrell, Kingman, Connett, Mead, Speir, and Mayhew, also bought farms,carved out streets, and helped change the face of the community.
The Village Hall, built in 1894, housed the fire department until 1930when it was moved to Sloan and First Streets. The police department thenmoved from its 1872 building just west of the railroad into the newlyvacated space in Village Hall. In March, 1972, a separate police stationand Municipal Court building on South Orange Avenue was completed.
The first U.S. Post Office was opened in 1841 in Freeman's Store at 71South Orange Avenue but the Postmaster reported 'receipts so dreadfullysmall' that business was suspended. In 1843, another office was openedto serve the thirty families nearby. In all, six different sites wereused until 1937 when our present first class Post Office was opened onVose Avenue in a new building of its own. Free mail delivery started in1899.
Built about 1680, the Stone House is the oldest in the Village and isstill standing on South Orange Avenue near Grove Road. The colonial houseat 167 North Ridgewood Road was built by Henry Squier in 1774 and acquiredby William Redmond when he bought the Squier farm in 1850. Later the housewas leased to a dairyman named Flood who pastured his cows in what isnow Meadowland Park. Flood's Hill in the park, used for winter coasting,was named for this family. William Redmond built the brownstone mansionfor his home which is used today by the Orange Lawn Tennis Club. Anotherlandmark, said to have been built around 1830 and standing until after1881 when it was destroyed by fire, was The Mountain House, a fashionablewater-cure supervised by two physicians, where spring water piped downthe mountain to it, was thought beneficial. A large wooden structure withtwo wings, set in spacious grounds on Ridgewood Road, at the foot of thepresent Glenside Road, the hotel accommodated 150 guests. Mr. Lord ofLord & Taylor owned it in 1850 and leased it to G. Baird. The EclipseStage Line operated in 1830 between the hotel and Newark. Today the solereminders of the resort are Mountain Station and Mountain House Road,both established to accommodate hordes of visitors who once flocked here.
South Orange was part of Newark until 1806, when what is now the Orangesand Maplewood were set off as 'Orange Township.' The name Orangecame into use in the second half of the 18th century, and was officiallyadopted by a meeting of the inhabitants in 1780. The name South Orangefirst appeared in print in a newspaper ad in 1793 in 'Wood's Gazette.'It replaced such old names as Chestnut Hill and the Mountain Plantation.
Village government has changed dramatically from theocracy to democracysince the 1600's. In 1776, there were only a cluster of houses, a gristmill, a black-smith shop, a store or two and a tavern but South Orangeinhabitants were united in defense of home and country. In 1872, civicindifference reached a peak when only 235 votes were cast in a presidentialelection. Population has steadily increased: 7,200 in 1920, 13,000 in1928 and over 16,300 in 1995. The creation of the South Orange Townshipby an act of the New Jersey Legislature in 1861, led to the granting ofthe Village Charter in 1869, but not until 1872 was it given authorizationto levy taxes and borrow money. In 1904, complete separation of Villageand Township was effected by action of the State Legislature, after SouthOrange had agreed to remain in the school district. A copy of the 1869Charter and its amendments, variances and supplements was printed in 1906.In November, 1977, South Orange voters passed a new Charter for SouthOrange and changed its name to The Township of South Orange Village.
March 26, 2020 Update
In partnership with the New Jersey Department of Health, the Township of South Orange Village Department of Health and the Office of Emergency Management continues daily monitoring of communicable diseases within our community, county and state. We are currently monitoring the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and will continue to provide updates as they become available.
- Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 110, directing all child care centers in New Jersey to certify by Friday, March 27, that they will solely serve as emergency child care centers for the children of essential workers. Child care centers that do not certify that they can and will exclusively care for these children of essential workers must close by Wednesday, April 1.
Among the directives, the Governor's executive order directs:
- The Commissioner of the Department of Children and Families, in consultation with the Commissioners of the Departments of Education, Human Services, and Health, shall implement a plan permitting access to emergency child care services for the children of 'essential persons.'
- In order to be designated as an Emergency Child Care Center, any person or organization, requesting permission to stay open or resume operations on or after April 1, 2020, shall submit the certification form to the Commissioner of Children and Families for approval by Friday, March 27, 2020. If the certification form demonstrates that it will provide child care services exclusively to 'essential persons' during the school closure period, and that it will follow all applicable emergency child care standards, the Commissioner shall authorize it to remain open or resume operations as an emergency child care center.
- Any child care centers, including those as defined in this executive order, that fail to timely certify shall be closed to the public as of Wednesday, April 1, 2020, and remain closed through the school closure period. Centers shall receive notice of the Commissioner of Children and Families' certification decision by Monday, March 30, 2020.
- Child care centers, for purposes of this order, include entities providing care on a regular basis for children aged 0-13, including licensed child care centers.
- For purposes of this order, essential persons shall include, but not be limited to:
- Health care workers, including staff working in health care facilities and in community-based services including home health and behavioral health;
- Law enforcement personnel, fire and emergency services personnel, and staff at correctional facilities;
- Individuals employed at emergency child care centers operating on or after April 1, 2020;
- Staff working for entities that provide essential social services, including, but not limited to, group home and shelter staff;
- Essential government employees who are unable to work from home, including child protection services workers, child welfare workers, foster care workers, unemployment compensation processing staff, and public health employees;
- Certain critical workers, as defined by the Commissioner of DCF, at essential retail businesses, as defined in Executive Order No. 107 (2020) and subsequent Administrative Orders. The Commissioner of DCF shall have the authority to make changes to this list.
The order will take effect immediately.
For a copy of Executive Order No. 110, click here.
To access the form for Child Care Centers, click here.
March 24, 2020 Update
- South Orange has declared a State of Emergency
- South Orange has launched a COVID-19 Informational Portal
- There are 3,675 presumptive positives in New Jersey.
- 701 cases have been in Bergan County
- 342 cases have been in Essex County
- 288 cases in Monmouth County
- 277 cases in Middlesex County
- There have been 44 deaths to date from the coronavirus
- Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 109, cancelling all elective surgeries in New Jersey, effective 5:00 pm on Friday, March 27.
- Any business or non-hospital health care facility, including but not limited to dental facilities, construction facilities, research facilities, office-based healthcare or veterinary practices, and institutions of higher learning, in possession of PPE, ventilators, respirators, or anesthesia machines that are not required for the provision of critical health care services should undertake an inventory of such supplies and send that information to the State by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 27. The New Jersey Office of Emergency Management shall establish a process by which entities subject to this provision can submit this information.
- New Jersey has launched a COVID-19 Information Hub
- There are now seven 'walk-in' sites near Essex County
- In order to be eligible for testing, individuals must be current New Jersey residents and experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness. Priority will be given to symptomatic individuals experiencing cough, fever (99.6 degrees or above) and shortness of breath. Individuals who are not symptomatic will not be tested, as it diverts critical resources such as testing kits and laboratory materials from those who are ill. Each site will be provided with an allocation of 2,500 specimen collection kits and Personal Protective Equipment for all staff. The specimen collections will be transmitted to the contracted laboratory twice per day and results will be reported within 2-5 business days. Testing is free and will be covered by the federal government or personal insurance company. Individuals are encouraged to bring insurance cards if they have one.
- Bergan Community College
400 Paramus Road
Lots B & C 400
Paramus, NJ 07652 - The Doctor's Office Urgent Care of West Caldwell
556 Passaic Ave
West Caldwell, NJ 07006
(973) 808-2273 - CityMD Urgent Care – Newark
617 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102
(862) 201-4596 - CityMD Urgent Care – East Hanover
399 Route 10
East Hanover, NJ 07936
(908) 557-9808 - Other 'walk-in' facilities near Essex County include Holy Name Medical Center (201-833-3000, Hudson Regional Hospital (201-388-1097) and Riverside Medical Group (for current patients only - 201-865-2050)
March 16, 2020 Update
- There are 178 presumptive positives in New Jersey.
- 20 cases have been in Essex County
- Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 104, implementing aggressive social distancing measures to mitigate further spread of COVID-19 in New Jersey, effective immediately.
- All gatherings of persons in the State of New Jersey shall be limited to 50 persons or fewer, with limited exceptions;
- All public, private, and parochial preschool programs, and elementary and secondary schools, including charter and renaissance schools, will be closed beginning on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, and remain closed as long as the Order remains in effect;
- Institutions of higher education will cease all in-person instruction beginning on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, and shall cease such in-person instruction as long as the Order remains in effect;
- The Commissioner of Education shall continue working with each public, private, and parochial school to ensure students are able to continue their education through appropriate home instruction;
- The Secretary of Agriculture and the Commissioner of Education shall take all necessary actions to ensure all students eligible for free or reduced meals will continue to receive the services necessary to meet nutritional needs during closures;
- All casinos, concert venues, nightclubs, racetracks, gyms, fitness centers and classes, movie theaters, and performing arts centers will be closed to the public beginning on Monday, March 16, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. and remain closed as long as this Order remains in effect;
- All other non-essential retail, recreational, and entertainment businesses must cease daily operations from 8:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m.; and
- All restaurant establishments, with or without a liquor or limited brewery license, are limited to offering delivery and/or take out-services only.
- Governor Phil Murphy and New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Chief Administrator Sue Fulton have announced that due to the COVID-19 outbreak and to protect the public, the MVC will extend expiration dates for driver licenses, registrations, and inspection stickers. Effective immediately, the NJMVC will grant a two-month extension for:
- Driver licenses expiring in March, April, and May
- Registrations expiring in March, April, and May
- Inspection stickers expiring in March, April, and May
March 12, 2020 Update
- Please note: All tests for COVID-19 must be obtained through your primary physician. As availability of diagnostic testing for COVID-19 increases, clinicians are able to access laboratory tests for diagnosing COVID-19 through clinical laboratories performing tests authorized by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Clinicians are also able to access laboratory testing through public health laboratories in their jurisdictions. There is no need to notify the local health department if you feel that you have symptoms.
- Governor Phil Murphy has recommended the cancellation of any public gathering of more than 250 individuals
- On March 11, the World Health Organization made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic
- A pandemic is a widespread infectious disease, that sickens a large number of people worldwide.
- Some things we can be doing before a pandemic begins can include:
- Stocking up on a two-week supply of food and water
- Periodically check your regular prescription drugs to ensure a continuous supply in your home
- Have non-prescription drugs and other health supplies on hand including pain relievers/fever reducing medications, stomach remedies, cough and cold medicines, fluids with electrolytes, and vitamins, tissues.
- Stock up on household supplies such as toilet paper, hand soap, paper towels, garbage bags, cleaning supplies, etc.
- Get copies and maintain electronic versions of health records from doctors, hospitals pharmacies and other sources and store them for personal reference.
- Have pet foods and supplies.
- Stock up on baby care items
- Plan for extended school and day care closures
- Talk to your employer about telecommuting opportunities in the event that movement of people is restricted
- Plan for a sick room in the home. Designate one room that would work best, usually a bedroom with its own bathroom that no one else will use. If someone in the home becomes ill, keep them in the sick room away from others.
- There are 29 presumptive positives in New Jersey
- 1 case has been in Essex County
- Seton Hall University has temporarily suspended classes
March 10, 2020 Update
- New Jersey reported the first Coronavirus related death today. The governor said the victim was a man in his 60s from Bergen County who had a history of traveling between New Jersey and New York, and was admitted to Hackensack University Medical Center on March 6
- Governor Phil Murphy declared a State of Emergency and Public Health Emergency yesterday.
- At present time, South Orange has not yet declared a State of Emergency.
- As per the ongoing Governor's broadcast, there are now 15 presumptive positive cases in New Jersey. 31 people are under investigation.
- No cases have been in Essex County.
- Residents are reminded to make sure you are up to date on all of your vaccinations. Please check with your physicians
- Any resident who feels they have symptoms or may have been exposed to the Coronavirus should see their local health care provider. Make sure to notify your provider ahead of time if you think you have Coronavirus.
March 9, 2020 Update
- As per the ongoing Governor's broadcast, there are now 11 presumptive positive cases in New Jersey.
- No cases have been in Essex County.
- To date, CDC has not received any reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19.
- However, anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 should avoid contact with pets.
- The EPA has released a list of Registered Antimicrobial Products for use against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
- 2019-nCoV and COVID-19, these are two different names for the same virus.
March 4, 2020 Update
The South Orange Department of Health and the Office of Emergency Management participated on a conference call with New Jersey Governor Philip Murphy and New Jersey Commissioner of Health Judith Persichilli, Chair of the Governor's Coronavirus Taskforce.
- Gov. Murphy reiterated that the virus is currently a 'low overall societal risk.'
- There are still no confirmed cases in New Jersey. 10 people have been tested with negative results. 10-12 more individuals are expected to be tested pending CDC approval.
- CDC has two laboratories conducting testing for the virus that causes COVID-19. CDC can test approximately 350 specimens per day.
- Commercial labs are working to develop their own tests that hopefully will be available soon. This will allow a greater number of tests to happen close to where potential cases are.
- Commissioner Persichilli said 'risks to the general public remain low.'
- They are currently testing individuals with symptoms and individuals who have traveled to China recently.
- Facemasks are not necessary unless a resident's health care provider recommends it.
NJ Transit has issued an update on their precautionary measures against COVID-19.
Any resident who feels they have symptoms or may have been exposed to the Coronavirus should see their local health care provider or go to a hospital to be checked out. There is no need to notify the local health department if you feel that you have symptoms. Hospitals and health care providers have a direct line to the local health department and will follow the appropriate protocols if the virus is detected in a resident.
February 28, 2020 Update
- As of February 28, there have been no confirmed cases of coronavirus in New Jersey.
- The NJDOH Novel Coronavirus Call Center is open and is taking calls from the general public only at 1-800-222-1222.
- It is open 24/7 and can accommodate callers in multiple languages.
- The NJDOH Novel Coronavirus Call Center is open and is taking calls from the general public only at 1-800-222-1222.
- On February 25, CDC confirmed COVID-19 in a person who reportedly did not have relevant travel history or exposure to another known patient with COVID-19 (unknown exposure).
- At this time, this virus is NOT currently spreading in the community in the United States.
- At this time, this virus is NOT currently spreading in the community in the United States.
According to CDC, 'Current understanding about how the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads is largely based on what is known about similar coronaviruses. COVID-19 is a new disease and there is more to learn about how it spreads, the severity of illness it causes, and to what extent it may spread in the United States.'
The CDC recommends that residents use common precautions to help prevent the spread of disease. While each respiratory illness possesses its own unique characteristics, based on a multitude of research and knowledge regarding the vast amount of respiratory illnesses currently circulating, what we've always learned still holds true. The actions you take and the plans you make today make a difference. Here are some important steps for protecting yourself from getting and spreading diseases.
- Staying home when you are sick.
- Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay at least 3 feet away from sick people when possible
- Tell your employer if you get sick. If possible, those who are at high risk for flu complications should avoid attending meetings or events in person if they are sick.
- Covering your coughs and sneezes.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- Throw away the used tissue, and then wash your hands.
- Washing your hands.
- Wash your hands thoroughly and often with soap and water.
- If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Dating Websites Man South Orange New Jersey Map
Why is this important?
Washing your hands lowers the amount of flu virus that can spread when you shake someone's hands or touch surfaces and objects such as desks and doorknobs. It is especially important to wash your hands before and after touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
In partnership with the New Jersey Department of Health, the Township of South Orange Village Department of Health and the Office of Emergency Management continues daily monitoring of communicable diseases within our community, county and state. We are currently monitoring the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and will continue to provide updates as they become available.
- Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 110, directing all child care centers in New Jersey to certify by Friday, March 27, that they will solely serve as emergency child care centers for the children of essential workers. Child care centers that do not certify that they can and will exclusively care for these children of essential workers must close by Wednesday, April 1.
Among the directives, the Governor's executive order directs:
- The Commissioner of the Department of Children and Families, in consultation with the Commissioners of the Departments of Education, Human Services, and Health, shall implement a plan permitting access to emergency child care services for the children of 'essential persons.'
- In order to be designated as an Emergency Child Care Center, any person or organization, requesting permission to stay open or resume operations on or after April 1, 2020, shall submit the certification form to the Commissioner of Children and Families for approval by Friday, March 27, 2020. If the certification form demonstrates that it will provide child care services exclusively to 'essential persons' during the school closure period, and that it will follow all applicable emergency child care standards, the Commissioner shall authorize it to remain open or resume operations as an emergency child care center.
- Any child care centers, including those as defined in this executive order, that fail to timely certify shall be closed to the public as of Wednesday, April 1, 2020, and remain closed through the school closure period. Centers shall receive notice of the Commissioner of Children and Families' certification decision by Monday, March 30, 2020.
- Child care centers, for purposes of this order, include entities providing care on a regular basis for children aged 0-13, including licensed child care centers.
- For purposes of this order, essential persons shall include, but not be limited to:
- Health care workers, including staff working in health care facilities and in community-based services including home health and behavioral health;
- Law enforcement personnel, fire and emergency services personnel, and staff at correctional facilities;
- Individuals employed at emergency child care centers operating on or after April 1, 2020;
- Staff working for entities that provide essential social services, including, but not limited to, group home and shelter staff;
- Essential government employees who are unable to work from home, including child protection services workers, child welfare workers, foster care workers, unemployment compensation processing staff, and public health employees;
- Certain critical workers, as defined by the Commissioner of DCF, at essential retail businesses, as defined in Executive Order No. 107 (2020) and subsequent Administrative Orders. The Commissioner of DCF shall have the authority to make changes to this list.
The order will take effect immediately.
For a copy of Executive Order No. 110, click here.
To access the form for Child Care Centers, click here.
March 24, 2020 Update
- South Orange has declared a State of Emergency
- South Orange has launched a COVID-19 Informational Portal
- There are 3,675 presumptive positives in New Jersey.
- 701 cases have been in Bergan County
- 342 cases have been in Essex County
- 288 cases in Monmouth County
- 277 cases in Middlesex County
- There have been 44 deaths to date from the coronavirus
- Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 109, cancelling all elective surgeries in New Jersey, effective 5:00 pm on Friday, March 27.
- Any business or non-hospital health care facility, including but not limited to dental facilities, construction facilities, research facilities, office-based healthcare or veterinary practices, and institutions of higher learning, in possession of PPE, ventilators, respirators, or anesthesia machines that are not required for the provision of critical health care services should undertake an inventory of such supplies and send that information to the State by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 27. The New Jersey Office of Emergency Management shall establish a process by which entities subject to this provision can submit this information.
- New Jersey has launched a COVID-19 Information Hub
- There are now seven 'walk-in' sites near Essex County
- In order to be eligible for testing, individuals must be current New Jersey residents and experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness. Priority will be given to symptomatic individuals experiencing cough, fever (99.6 degrees or above) and shortness of breath. Individuals who are not symptomatic will not be tested, as it diverts critical resources such as testing kits and laboratory materials from those who are ill. Each site will be provided with an allocation of 2,500 specimen collection kits and Personal Protective Equipment for all staff. The specimen collections will be transmitted to the contracted laboratory twice per day and results will be reported within 2-5 business days. Testing is free and will be covered by the federal government or personal insurance company. Individuals are encouraged to bring insurance cards if they have one.
- Bergan Community College
400 Paramus Road
Lots B & C 400
Paramus, NJ 07652 - The Doctor's Office Urgent Care of West Caldwell
556 Passaic Ave
West Caldwell, NJ 07006
(973) 808-2273 - CityMD Urgent Care – Newark
617 Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07102
(862) 201-4596 - CityMD Urgent Care – East Hanover
399 Route 10
East Hanover, NJ 07936
(908) 557-9808 - Other 'walk-in' facilities near Essex County include Holy Name Medical Center (201-833-3000, Hudson Regional Hospital (201-388-1097) and Riverside Medical Group (for current patients only - 201-865-2050)
March 16, 2020 Update
- There are 178 presumptive positives in New Jersey.
- 20 cases have been in Essex County
- Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 104, implementing aggressive social distancing measures to mitigate further spread of COVID-19 in New Jersey, effective immediately.
- All gatherings of persons in the State of New Jersey shall be limited to 50 persons or fewer, with limited exceptions;
- All public, private, and parochial preschool programs, and elementary and secondary schools, including charter and renaissance schools, will be closed beginning on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, and remain closed as long as the Order remains in effect;
- Institutions of higher education will cease all in-person instruction beginning on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, and shall cease such in-person instruction as long as the Order remains in effect;
- The Commissioner of Education shall continue working with each public, private, and parochial school to ensure students are able to continue their education through appropriate home instruction;
- The Secretary of Agriculture and the Commissioner of Education shall take all necessary actions to ensure all students eligible for free or reduced meals will continue to receive the services necessary to meet nutritional needs during closures;
- All casinos, concert venues, nightclubs, racetracks, gyms, fitness centers and classes, movie theaters, and performing arts centers will be closed to the public beginning on Monday, March 16, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. and remain closed as long as this Order remains in effect;
- All other non-essential retail, recreational, and entertainment businesses must cease daily operations from 8:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m.; and
- All restaurant establishments, with or without a liquor or limited brewery license, are limited to offering delivery and/or take out-services only.
- Governor Phil Murphy and New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Chief Administrator Sue Fulton have announced that due to the COVID-19 outbreak and to protect the public, the MVC will extend expiration dates for driver licenses, registrations, and inspection stickers. Effective immediately, the NJMVC will grant a two-month extension for:
- Driver licenses expiring in March, April, and May
- Registrations expiring in March, April, and May
- Inspection stickers expiring in March, April, and May
March 12, 2020 Update
- Please note: All tests for COVID-19 must be obtained through your primary physician. As availability of diagnostic testing for COVID-19 increases, clinicians are able to access laboratory tests for diagnosing COVID-19 through clinical laboratories performing tests authorized by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). Clinicians are also able to access laboratory testing through public health laboratories in their jurisdictions. There is no need to notify the local health department if you feel that you have symptoms.
- Governor Phil Murphy has recommended the cancellation of any public gathering of more than 250 individuals
- On March 11, the World Health Organization made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic
- A pandemic is a widespread infectious disease, that sickens a large number of people worldwide.
- Some things we can be doing before a pandemic begins can include:
- Stocking up on a two-week supply of food and water
- Periodically check your regular prescription drugs to ensure a continuous supply in your home
- Have non-prescription drugs and other health supplies on hand including pain relievers/fever reducing medications, stomach remedies, cough and cold medicines, fluids with electrolytes, and vitamins, tissues.
- Stock up on household supplies such as toilet paper, hand soap, paper towels, garbage bags, cleaning supplies, etc.
- Get copies and maintain electronic versions of health records from doctors, hospitals pharmacies and other sources and store them for personal reference.
- Have pet foods and supplies.
- Stock up on baby care items
- Plan for extended school and day care closures
- Talk to your employer about telecommuting opportunities in the event that movement of people is restricted
- Plan for a sick room in the home. Designate one room that would work best, usually a bedroom with its own bathroom that no one else will use. If someone in the home becomes ill, keep them in the sick room away from others.
- There are 29 presumptive positives in New Jersey
- 1 case has been in Essex County
- Seton Hall University has temporarily suspended classes
March 10, 2020 Update
- New Jersey reported the first Coronavirus related death today. The governor said the victim was a man in his 60s from Bergen County who had a history of traveling between New Jersey and New York, and was admitted to Hackensack University Medical Center on March 6
- Governor Phil Murphy declared a State of Emergency and Public Health Emergency yesterday.
- At present time, South Orange has not yet declared a State of Emergency.
- As per the ongoing Governor's broadcast, there are now 15 presumptive positive cases in New Jersey. 31 people are under investigation.
- No cases have been in Essex County.
- Residents are reminded to make sure you are up to date on all of your vaccinations. Please check with your physicians
- Any resident who feels they have symptoms or may have been exposed to the Coronavirus should see their local health care provider. Make sure to notify your provider ahead of time if you think you have Coronavirus.
March 9, 2020 Update
- As per the ongoing Governor's broadcast, there are now 11 presumptive positive cases in New Jersey.
- No cases have been in Essex County.
- To date, CDC has not received any reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19.
- However, anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 should avoid contact with pets.
- The EPA has released a list of Registered Antimicrobial Products for use against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
- 2019-nCoV and COVID-19, these are two different names for the same virus.
March 4, 2020 Update
The South Orange Department of Health and the Office of Emergency Management participated on a conference call with New Jersey Governor Philip Murphy and New Jersey Commissioner of Health Judith Persichilli, Chair of the Governor's Coronavirus Taskforce.
- Gov. Murphy reiterated that the virus is currently a 'low overall societal risk.'
- There are still no confirmed cases in New Jersey. 10 people have been tested with negative results. 10-12 more individuals are expected to be tested pending CDC approval.
- CDC has two laboratories conducting testing for the virus that causes COVID-19. CDC can test approximately 350 specimens per day.
- Commercial labs are working to develop their own tests that hopefully will be available soon. This will allow a greater number of tests to happen close to where potential cases are.
- Commissioner Persichilli said 'risks to the general public remain low.'
- They are currently testing individuals with symptoms and individuals who have traveled to China recently.
- Facemasks are not necessary unless a resident's health care provider recommends it.
NJ Transit has issued an update on their precautionary measures against COVID-19.
Any resident who feels they have symptoms or may have been exposed to the Coronavirus should see their local health care provider or go to a hospital to be checked out. There is no need to notify the local health department if you feel that you have symptoms. Hospitals and health care providers have a direct line to the local health department and will follow the appropriate protocols if the virus is detected in a resident.
February 28, 2020 Update
- As of February 28, there have been no confirmed cases of coronavirus in New Jersey.
- The NJDOH Novel Coronavirus Call Center is open and is taking calls from the general public only at 1-800-222-1222.
- It is open 24/7 and can accommodate callers in multiple languages.
- The NJDOH Novel Coronavirus Call Center is open and is taking calls from the general public only at 1-800-222-1222.
- On February 25, CDC confirmed COVID-19 in a person who reportedly did not have relevant travel history or exposure to another known patient with COVID-19 (unknown exposure).
- At this time, this virus is NOT currently spreading in the community in the United States.
- At this time, this virus is NOT currently spreading in the community in the United States.
According to CDC, 'Current understanding about how the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads is largely based on what is known about similar coronaviruses. COVID-19 is a new disease and there is more to learn about how it spreads, the severity of illness it causes, and to what extent it may spread in the United States.'
The CDC recommends that residents use common precautions to help prevent the spread of disease. While each respiratory illness possesses its own unique characteristics, based on a multitude of research and knowledge regarding the vast amount of respiratory illnesses currently circulating, what we've always learned still holds true. The actions you take and the plans you make today make a difference. Here are some important steps for protecting yourself from getting and spreading diseases.
- Staying home when you are sick.
- Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay at least 3 feet away from sick people when possible
- Tell your employer if you get sick. If possible, those who are at high risk for flu complications should avoid attending meetings or events in person if they are sick.
- Covering your coughs and sneezes.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- Throw away the used tissue, and then wash your hands.
- Washing your hands.
- Wash your hands thoroughly and often with soap and water.
- If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
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Why is this important?
Washing your hands lowers the amount of flu virus that can spread when you shake someone's hands or touch surfaces and objects such as desks and doorknobs. It is especially important to wash your hands before and after touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects.
- Clean surfaces and objects that are touched often, including desks, doorknobs, railings, computer keyboards, phones, and toys.
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Does cleaning with soap and water remove the flu virus and other infectious diseases?
Yes, soap and water is all you need to remove the flu virus.
You can also use a bleach-and-water solution or disinfectant with a label that says 'EPA approved' for killing bacteria and viruses. Always follow directions on product labels.
Why is this important?
The flu virus can remain on surfaces for up to 48 hours. Cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects lowers the amount of flu virus that can be spread when you touch an infected surface and then your eyes, nose, or mouth.
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6. Being prepared and informed at: